Flower Essence Therapy

Unveiling the essence of healing

Awaken the harmony within as the flower essences gently unfurl the petals of your spirit

Discover the healing wisdom of flower essences, offering a sacred bridge between the physical & spiritual realms. These vibrational remedies carry the medicine of nature's virtues, clearing away the remnants of dis-ease & dis-harmony while flooding your being with our Mother Earth’s purity

Medicine that addresses the root cause

Delve into the world of subtle energy rebalancing with flower essences. These gentle yet potent remedies work on the energetic level, addressing the roots of disharmony, and restoring your well-being with the grace of Mother Earth's gifts. Their intuitive medicine can dissolves barriers, allowing your inner radiance to bloom, illuminating your unique path towards wholeness and unity

Flower Essence Therapy

Our personalized consultations are a sacred space where you can re-connect and remember the wisdom of nature. Through intuitive insights and deep understanding, we'll uncover the essences that resonate with your unique constitution, offering you a path towards deep healing. Together, we'll unveil the subtle whispers of your soul and Mother Earth’s wisdom, crafting a customized remedy to support your journey on our Earth Walk

  • These consultations are approximately 50-65 minutes in duration, held virtually or in-person (Connecticut or Central & Southern Massachusetts). Together we co-create a formula and regimen unique to what is most needed for you. You will be gifted a 0.5 oz flower essence.

  • Flower essences are pure spiritually based vibrational medicine gifted to us from Mother Earth for the body-mind-spirit to support dis-ease & dis-harmony. These essences lovingly release trapped emotions, allowing you to journey towards a more harmonious and liberated state of existence. The modern practice and specific technique used to formulate the essences is based on the precious work of Dr. Edward Bach. They are formulated by extracting the essence of the flower through the co-creation of the element of water, and the element of fire (Grandfather Sun). They are typically received into the body orally, however essences can be put into sprays, salves, baths, or dropped into your favorite drink!

    • ALL of Rooted Spirit’s flower essences are a co-creation with Grandfather Sun, our life blood (water), and our plant relatives. ALL flowers and those of the Green Tribe gave permission to have their medicine embraced by the human tribe in this way

    • Many of the essences made my Rooted Spirit are live infusions (meaning many of the flowers are not harvested)

    • Flower Essences are not essential oils (no smell) & much more sustainable

    • Flower Essences work through the less is more principal, following the path of Homeopathy

    • Storing: not be stored by machines, microwaves, light, essential oils. They love a special place.

    • There are no contraindications, Flower Essences are safe for children, pets, etc

Start your journey

