Private Yoga
Yoga is an ancient set of practices, a path, and state of being that we have the privilege of inviting into our lives, birthed from South Asia. Through acknowledgment, reverence, and respect for the teachings & their origins, we explore how inviting Yoga into your life can bring self-realization, unity, acceptance, truth, devotion, faith, connection, service and so much more
The biproduct of living a life in alignment with the roots of Yoga benefits all beings, as all actions impact the collective web of life. When we practice we are practicing for the well-being and highest benefit of all
As a dedicated student of Yoga and someone with Indigenous roots, I deeply respect and acknowledge the origins of this practice grown from South Asia thousands of years ago. Practicing Yoga in the West is a gift and privilege - and also it comes with a responsibility to approach it with cultural awareness. These private sessions are crafted with the utmost respect for the roots, practices, path, and state of being that is Yoga. While exploring the depths of this ancient wisdom, I must recognize and address the systems of oppression + cultural appropriation concerns associated with practices not born from Turtle Island nor from my own ancestry. My commitment is to intentionally share this practice with reverence, honoring its origins and guiding you on a Yoga journey that respects and understands its cultural context
Annually a donation will be made to an organization based in India such as Baba’s Feed Project, The Himalaya Institute, and others. I am always open to supporting other organizations and overall feedback, as I am still in a very transparent unfolding process of exploring what it means to teach Yoga and how to do so authentically and honestly.
Yoga resources can be found in the “resources” page on this website
I also bow to, uplift and acknowledge the lineage, literature, and teachers that taught me, including Ashtanga Yoga (systematized by Shri K. Pattabhi Jois born from his teacher Tirumalai Krishnamacharya), B.K.S Iyengar, Pandit Rajamni Tigunait, the Risi Patanjali and the Yoga Sutras, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, Bhavani Maki, the Upanisads, as well as my teachers in the physical current realm- my beloved Khushi Malhotra who shares based in the Himalayan Tradition, decolonizing leader Susanna Barkataki, my deeply inspiring teachers & owners of Shraddha Yoga = Corrine & Matthew Andrews, Aryuvedic teacher Manas Kshirsagar, my Sanskrit teachers Rajeev Natarajan & Sangeetha Sriram, Mantra teacher Leeladhar Louis Jumonville, Margot Broom owner of Breathing Room Yoga, Tobie Schuerfeld, Pauli Eniltoh, Verred Rose, Nevine Michaan founder of Katonah Yoga, EmbodYoga creator Patty Townsend, and every other teacher I have taken classes with as you are all my teachers.
I also acknowledge my fellow teachers whom I have learned alongside of - who have taught me and continue to teach me, as well as all the past/present/future teachers as we share a connected path, all those who have taken class with me & taught me along the way, as well as the deities, non-physical spiritual beings, and guides whom teach me everyday.
In our private yoga sessions, we respectfully co-create an authentic Yoga practice aligned with your unique journey. Together, we can delve into meditation, breath connection (pranayama), personalized asana postures, anatomy-centric alignment, mantra, mudra, philosophy, mythology, subtle body exploration, and the restorative depth of Yoga Nidra. These sessions, crafted by multifaceted expertise, invite everyone, regardless of experience level or life stage, to honor and embrace the ancient teachings of Yoga for deeply nourishing support—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
This exploration is meant to be accessible and welcome to everyone. With Jesse Rose’s experience she can support you wherever you currently are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. All levels (advanced practioners & new), all stages of life, and all beings who wish to experience how the ancient teachings of Yoga support our experience here on Earth
Together we practice, in shared space, moving with a practice unique to you. Jesse Rose, feels the deep honor of what it means to hold space for us both to grow together. This may look like asana, pranayama, mediation, philosophy, mythology, mantra, mudra, subtle body, Yoga Nidra, and weaving in my other expertise in functional movement, injury rehabilitation, neuroscience, and more. Sessions are 75 minutes. You may schedule our time together here
We may also work together through Semi-Private and group offerings. Sessions are 75 minutes. You may schedule our time together here
Looking to explore Yoga together?
What Others Are Saying
“In doing Yoga for over 30 years, Jesse Rose has brought new meaning to the word. She delves into every aspect of a human being and touches the heart, mind, body and spirit of all. When you walk into her rooms, you feel true love and warmth. We worked one-on-one after a severe knee injury and I replaced physical therapy with her time, as her knowledge and intuitiveness was more effective and healing. There just aren’t enough words….” — Nancy M.
“As Jesse is always authentically herself I feel I can trust her. What drew me in initially was her focus on the practice of yoga truly being about mind, body and soul. I am not someone just looking for some stretching or a workout. I am looking for a deeper connection and understanding. Many of us live very hectic lives with anxiety and stress, I always leave class feeling more at peace. I also know I know if I need her assistance she would be there listening and not judging. Another element that I love about her classes are the focus on proper alignment and the connection with your body. I like many of us have had many injuries and your body just gets out of wack. I can feel the difference when going into poses now. And of course there are the brain games. We work on making sure those connections are strong as well and typically have some fun while doing it. Every class I learn something valuable. ” — Alex W.
“Jesse instilled so much peace and love into my life. She practices a mindful and peaceful life, and teaches those around her to do the same. Before being coached by Jesse, I had stress on top of stress. The way she oozed positivity and a sense of calm & quiet was something I am so grateful for. Jesse is an unforgettable presence to be taught by. Jesse is the kindest, most selfless person I have met. She would give the shirt off of her back to anybody without hesitation. She puts 100% into everything she does- including caring for others.” — Zoe Szolomayer
“She has impacted my life physically, mentally, and spiritually in the best way. She has taught me to find my balance mentally and believe in my body physically. Jesse has helped me have more confidence in my body. I was at a point in my life where I felt like I was not capable to do a lot because of how I am shaped but Jesse has worked with my body and in that process I have experienced things I never thought I could. Mobility, flexibility, strength, and overall health” — Tashaney J.
“Jesse has always been very in tuned with the body, soul, and spirit, and her education and philosophy of life has impacted me. I value the mind/body connection and how influential it is on daily life, especially with stress. Jesse has been an amazing role model in my life. She has shown me how to take care of my mind and body. In many ways, she has positively altered the trajectory of my life and how I took care of myself. ” — Madison Correia